
Eight people injured and a man lost his hand in Berlin.

Police arrested several people for violation of law.

Matee-ullah, Berlin,

Fireworks and firecrackers were banned in 56 major tourist destinations in Berlin city, on streets and in parks.
Meanwhile, 2,900 special police squads were deployed to enforce ban on corona virus lockdown, fireworks and crackers.

Despite nationwide ban on fireworks and firecrackers on New Year’s Eve, citizens in Berlin set off fireworks and firecrackers on streets, parks and open fields.

Resultant more than eight people were seriously injured, one citizen lost his hand. Police arrested several people for violation of law.

More than eight people were brought to hospital emergency room on New Year’s Eve, according to Berlin’s Accident Hospital.

63-year-old man was holding firecrackers in his hand near Brandenburg Gate when a fire broke out and he lost his hand.

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