
Severe lockdown is likely to imposed in Germany

Doctors call for tougher lockdown to March or April instead of January 10

Matee ullah, Berlin,

Medical officers demanded that government tighten immediate lockdown and extend it to March or April. Allocating few beds for intensive care in hospitals, while growing number of corona patients in hospitals. According to District Medical Officer Dr. Patrick Larside

Dr. Patrick Larside is a medical officer in Berlin’s Rheinkendorf district, feels effects of pandemic every day. He emphasized that process of vaccination could take time to reach every single patient. It remains to be seen and under observations that how effective this vaccine will be.

“It may take us a few more months to control Pandemic, but with certain conditions, if people understand Pandemic and work carefully,”. Pay attention to basics for care and safe from virus. Dr. Patrick Larside added

To end this Pandemic, government must take tougher decisions to save lives. Government agencies need to understand what consequences of lockdown could be by January 10. Now is time to prepare public mentally for more severe lockdowns and SOPs.

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