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ICNA Relief food drive at Bronx, New York on Thanksgiving

Bronx, New York,

Thanksgiving, celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November each year, this occasion is also an annual reminder to help those in needs. On this day, Americans gather with their family and friends to give thanks for the abundance of blessings in life and to enjoy a dish called turkey.

 On this occasion, ICNA Relief, the largest organization of Pakistanis, along with various organizations and businessmen, organized a food pantry in the Bronx for those who will not be able to celebrate Thanksgiving due to financial difficulties.

The food pantry was organized in 6 different events. ICNA Relief distributed rations and turkeys to 6,000 people, regardless of race, color and religion.

On this occasion, In-charge of ICNA Relief Bronx, Shabbir Gul, said that this is the occasion of Thanksgiving. This is the seventh event to be held in Bronx and this series will continue.

Shabir Gul, In-Charge ICNA Relief, Bronx

Imam Tahir, a Muslim chaplain of the New York Police Department, also attended the event. He said that ICNA Relief has been serving humanity without any discrimination. The way ICNA Relief has served Americans during the Corona Pandemic is commendable

Imam Tahir, a Muslim chaplain of the New York Police Department

Business and social figures from the Pakistani community also attended the event. Appreciating the services of ICNA Relief, he said that many Americans have been relieved of their hardships thanks to ICNA Relief.

Citizens stood at a distance wearing masks in queues, taking precautions against the corona virus and receiving rations when it was their turn.

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