
Slapping underage is illegal now in Scotland


According to a foreign news agency, the Scottish Parliament has passed a bill which was presented last year on child protection, under which slapping children will now be illegal.

Scotland has become the first part of UK to ban child slapping since the law was passed by the Scottish Parliament.

Under the bill, children are now given the same protection as adults, but children can be slapped in different parts of the UK to be punished for good reasons, but the reasons will be determined.

The case will be looked into, but these reasons cannot be used to inflict severe corporal punishment on children that could harm any part of their body.

The bill prohibits slapping children under the age of 16, and the bill will no longer be able to defend reasons for punishing a child, such as corporal punishment. Parents may also face legal action.

The law is being opposed in Scotland, with groups calling it a “terrible law”. Opponents of the bill say the law gives parents too little power, meaning that in the future, slapping or raising hands will be considered a crime.

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