
Brain storming Webinar from Cadet College Petaro

Cadet College Petaro Management organized a seminar for the grownups brain storming event namely First Islamic Model United Nations is the first of its kind, it carries beneath it an enthusiasm, inspiration and curiosity for its delegates to aspire the thirst of knowledge. All thanks to the Management of Cadet College Petaro who didn’t let this pandemic of Covid-19 to come in between their way of providing a great learning opportunity to the Students around the globe, nonetheless to mention FIMUN is not only the First Islamic MUN but it’s the First online Conference which also exposes the shadow of this Lockdown.

The Structure of the conference architected by Sir Adeel Yar Khan of CCP, where he didn’t hesitate even a shred to put sensitive yet extremely important agendas for its respective committees, as in the committee of United Nations Human Rights Council which is being chaired by Advocate Muhammad Taha Samo and Abdul Rafay Bhatti, has been given the prerogative to ventilate the area of Human Rights Violation of Asia, where delegates raised and discussed the moderated caucuses like Human Rights Violation in Kashmir, Minority Rights in Pakistan, Child Labour in China, religious discrimination in India, and religious extremism in Afghanistan.

Preeminently it is complexion for the young minds to put effort into such fragile yet empathetic agendas, however the source of inspiration to these young delegates is himself dedicated for a good cause that his students are ready to achieve a milestone, not to mention that this very source of inspiration is non-other than the face of this FIMUN Sir Adeel Yar Khan, is became the symbolic motion for his students which motivated them enough to raise their voices where it requires the most, as to discuss the rights of Ahmedis in Pakistan, forced conversions, Mass killings in Burma, suicidal bombings, sexual Harrasment, forced prostitution, rights of transgender, and many more.

Moreover, such conferences are indeed the pillars for the students to gloss their diplomatic skills not to mention which is supposed to be mainstay for the better Pakistan.

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