New YorkNews

Pakistani Americans at the forefront in helping the Lock down victims

US, New York,  Corona virus severely effects the life on the planet every country faces the hard ships and economy hampers. New York City is the worst effected city around the world, many peoples are  jobless, business are shut and cities are continuous lock down . Flight operations are halted and air fields are not allowed to operate.

In this worst  situation  people are looking  for  the help , Government and many Non-government organizations (NGO’s) play their  role for the survival of mankind and humanity. Specially Different  organizations of Pakistani Community taking responsibility to help the humanity without any discrimination of race color and religion.

The American Pakistani Advocacy Group, led up by Ali Rashid, has tremendously risen to the challenge of helping those facing financial and economic distress during the COVD-19 pandemic. APAG has engaged in several relief efforts including programs such as:  APAG’s Essential Food Drive which has donated over 1,500 grocery care packages to New Yorkers, “Food for Friends,” a program in collaboration with local Pakistani restaurants that offers a free meal to any essential worker. Furthermore, elected officials have taken note of the work being conducted by APAG and they themselves have participated in the packaging and distribution of essential food packages including Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams, Councilman Donovan Richards, and Assemblyman David I. Weprin. They recognize the significant hardships faced by the South-Asian community and commend APAG for being the first south-Asian organization in New York City to begin these local relief efforts.

APAG’s conception is rooted is the understanding that we have an obligation to assist and uplift humanity. Holding true to these ideals, APAG has sought to help all those affected by this disease regardless of race, religion and culture; rather they seek to be a bridge that helps eliminate prejudices and unite people under one banner.

Similarly another organization of Pakistani community which is known as “Pakistani Community of youth organization” (PAYO) is distributing free grocery among more than 500 peoples on weekly basis. at this week they repeat their grocery distribution activity.People suffer from the lock down in New York City due to pandemic corona virus are the beneficiaries from this Grocery distribution of PAYO. On the occasion New York city council man candidate steven D petzar and New York police lieutenant Zaigham Abass and other police office were also present.

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