Asia PacificNews

ASEAN region is the slow spread of COVID19, data indicates

The number of global deaths from coronavirus passes the 172,000 mark, the trend in Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) member states seems to be slowing down, with just 39 deaths recorded in the last 24 hours.

Even the rate of detection of new cases has slowed down from a day earlier.

The ASEAN region saw 39 new deaths on Tuesday, 21 fewer than on Monday.

Data suggests region has 31,818 cases while 1,210 died. 8205 patients recovered from illness and slowing of the spread of infections as the region saw 1,712 new cases today against 2,055 a day earlier.

There is a slight increase in the rate of COVID-19 testing done in the region.

More than 82,000 tests were done in the region in last 24 hours, taking the tally to 685,594. There are a total of 31,818 cases in the region, according to U.S.’ Johns Hopkins University.

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