
Financial aid now on track transfer into tax payer’s citizen’s bank accounts in US

US. Donald J Trump administration allocated financial aid now on track transfer into tax payer’s citizen’s bank accounts due to pandemic Corona virus.

President Trump’s administration set $ 500 per person for children under 18 and $ 1200 per adult, due to the emergency situation from Corona virus.

Due to lock down Businesses were closed and financial liquidity will be halted. Cab drivers, stores owners, daily wages workers are worried and  they have no source of earnings to survive in pandemic situation, they were thinking, if they remain safe from corona, the hunger would not let them alive.

The funds provided by the government in terms of financial aid are being transferred only to the bank accounts of tax payer citizens.

Citizens thanked the government and Trump administration’s move to financing the bank accounts and at the same place expressed the hope that they would soon be relieved of this pandemic and that life’s vices were restored.

Financial aid is being transferred to the citizens accounts, people can survive until corona pandemic eradicate or world gets it vaccine

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