New YorkNews

22 year old friendship Live together, died together

Live together, died together 22 year old friendship of New York residents become victim of pandemic corona virus after enjoyed several spring walks of life together.

The ruthless Corona virus has swept the lights of life from thousands of families around the world. More than 9,000 people in the United States have lost their lives by Corona COVID19 so far.

In New York alone, there have been more than fourteen hundred deaths in the past twenty-four hours, including two long old friends. Both friends died of the Corona out break, they watched several spring walks of life for nearly twenty two years.

New York area Queens resident Akhtar Butt and Long Island resident Mohamed Mushtaq died of COVID-19 pandemic on April 2, two friends also buried together at Washington Memorial Cemetery in New York.

The graves of both the friends are together, Alryan Muslim Funeral Services performed the burial services of close friends.

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