Asia PacificNews

Japan Health ministry says Corona infected cases risen to 4000, 7 more people die death toll rose to 95

Over 4,000 people in Japan have so far tested positive for coronavirus, the country’s Health Ministry announced Saturday.

The ministry said 367 new cases were diagnosed, bringing the national tally to 4,209.

The death toll rose to 95, after seven more people died from COVID-19, it added.

According to the news agency, at least 118 new cases were confirmed in Tokyo on Saturday, the first time the city registered cases in three digits. The new cases brought the city’s tally to 891.

In an official statement, Governor Yuriko Koike reiterated his call to citizens, urging them to stay at home in a bid to mitigate the spread of the virus.

Since appearing in Wuhan, China, last December, the novel coronavirus has spread to at least 181 countries and regions, according to data compiled by the U.S.-based Johns Hopkins University.

The data shows over 1.1 million cases have been reported worldwide, with the global death toll over 62,300, and more than 237,400 recoveries.



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