New YorkNews

15-year-old Brooklyn girl beating by mob, NYPD questioned 5 suspects

Police questioning five suspects and aimed in the cruel mob beating of a 15-year-old girl on a Brooklyn street, law enforcement sources said Friday.

Cops were grilling the teenage boys in Crown Heights Friday after a group of teens savagely attacked the girl  Thursday as retaliation for a fight she got into earlier in the day.  Caught-on-camera beating unfolded after the girl allegedly beat up another girl earlier in the day at school, according to the sources.

The group of teenage attackers allegedly friends with the girl who the victim had tussled with. Stunning surveillance video shows the teens many of them boys attack the girl, jumping on her and stomping on her head as she lay helplessly on the sidewalk.

One of the teens snatched the debit card, phone and Air Jordans off her feet before the group bolted, according to cops and the footage. The victim was rushed to a hospital with head trauma and later released, officials said.

Teen snatched the Air Jordans off from 15 year girls feet

The five boys turned themselves in with their parents earlier Friday, according to a law enforcement source. Their names and ages were not immediately clear and no charges filed until early Saturday morning.



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