
Family Festival Ensures All Children’s Are Counted by Census Bureau with Pediatricians

The U.S. Census Bureau and the Federation of Pediatric Organizations are partnering Press conference and Family Festival to reduce the under count of children on Saturday at 9-10 a.m.  Feb. 22, 2020, and Family Festival at 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Dr. Steven Dillingham, director U.S. Census Bureau and Judy Aschner, M.D. chairperson, Federation of Pediatric Organizations together they will host a free event for children at the Great Lakes Science Center in 601

The Great Lakes Science Center, 601 Erieside Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 44114

Erieside Ave., Cleveland, Ohio, 44114. Kirsten M. Ellenbogen, Ph.D., president and CEO. host at the center. The news conference and event will focus on promoting the importance of counting young children during the 2020 Census.

Before the event, there will be a news conference where Census Bureau Director Dr. Steven Dillingham and the Federation of Pediatric Organizations will announce a major effort to ensure young children are counted in the census beginning next month. Additionally, national and local partners, including, The Rainey Institute, Sesame Workshop and Dr. Seuss Enterprises, will provide engaging activities for young children and their families. The Great Lakes Science Center is offering free admission to attend the 2020 Census event.

Census responses inform the distribution of billions of dollars in federal funds for services that benefit children, including food assistance, Head Start, childcare, housing support, public schools, early intervention services for children with special needs, and children’s health insurance. A newborn or toddler counted in the 2020 Census as of April 1, 2020, will be in or completing elementary school during the next census in 2030. It is important to count them now so they benefit from critical childhood services over the next 10 years.

Members of the media who wish to attend the event in person enrolled by 11 p.m. EST, Friday, Feb. 21. Participation via live-stream, optional and will receive a confirmation email with a link to the live-stream.

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