
Over 100 House Democrats Rebuke Trump Israel Palestine plan

107 democrats charge Trump plan with essentially paving the way for permanent occupation of the west bank and  issued criticism of the plan. U.S. President Donald Trump released to end the Israel-Palestine conflict, it would ultimately lead to greater hostilities if passed. This plan will hurt Israelis and Palestinians alike, pushing them toward further conflict, the open letter led by Congressmen Andy Levin and Alan Lowenthal.

The ‘ultimate deal’ that your team has incubated for the past three years is not a serious or good faith attempt to bring such a durable peace to this conflict,” the congressmen and 105 of their colleagues wrote Thursday. Of utmost concern, your proposal effectively paves the way for permanent occupation of the West Bank.

Trump released the plan last week during a White House press conference alongside Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu but without a Palestinian representative in the room.  The plan refers to Jerusalem as “Israel’s undivided capital” and recognizes Israeli sovereignty over parts of the West Bank. Palestinians were offered a series of territories connected by roads and tunnels if they renounce violence, disarm Hamas, and recognize Israel as a Jewish state, among other concessions.  Palestinians have adamantly resisted the plan, saying it is biased in Israel’s favor and all but dashes their hope for a future sovereign state.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas is set to address the UN Security Council on Feb. 11.

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