
Iran Retaliates; Reportedly 80 US Officials Killed In Missile Attacks

Iran has carried out missile attacks targeting the US military bases in Iraq, claiming to have taken atleast 80 lives in what is being called an act of retaliation by the Islamic republic following the killing of Iranian senior military official.


The Pentagon in an official statement, acknowledged the attack was carried out by Iran but no futher information has been passed relating to the magnitude of the damage stating “working on initial battle damage assessment”.


Iran on Wednesday, launched over a dozen ballistic missiles against US military forces in Iraq targeting the military bases hosting coalition personnel at Al-Assad and Irbil. However no immediate reports on casualities was provided by the US defence hub.


Iranian state telivision reported as attack on a base in Iraq, calling it an act of revenger to the killing of the Irania commancer Qassem Sulaimani.


The defence authorities of Iran have put the nation under high alert as a “bigger” response by the US might be old hold.

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