
International Marine Oil Spill Exercise in Pakistan

The 10th edition of International Exercise Barracuda formally commenced at the Headquarters Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA) on Monday with an impressive flag hoisting ceremony.

The ceremony was attended by 24 observers from 11 friendly countries and officers of Pakistan Navy and PMSA.

The exercise — dubbed as Barracuda — will run through Wednesday in the Arabian Sea, a statement from the Pakistan Navy said.

Observers from 11 friendly countries and delegations from various national stake holders also attended the opening brief where aims and objectives of Exercise Barracuda-X were highlighted.

In the second session of the opening brief scholarly papers on environment protection and Search and Rescue at sea were presented by speakers from National Institute of Maritime Affairs (NIMA), National Institute of Oceanography (NIO) and PMSA.

Participating countries include Turkey, Bahrain, China, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Maldives, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and Sri Lanka.

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