
Trump welcomes Conan the Baghdadi raid dog to White House

US President Donald Trump at the White House Monday honored the military dog  who was injured during the  raid that killed ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi  in October.

The hero dog’s name is Conan and he is a Belgian Malinois. His age is not known, but, per the Pentagon, he is a four-year veteran of the United States Special Operations Command K-9 unit.

In a press conference, Trump praised the “special” and “brilliant” animal for his role in the “flawless attack” that took out the ISIS leader, and said that he had awarded Conan a medal and a plaque.

“We actually just gave Conan a medal and a plaque,” said President Trump, flanked by his wife and vice-president Mike Pence.

President Trump also noted that he had met in the Oval Office with some of the two-legged participants in the Baghdadi raid, noting that “for obvious reasons, they can’t be out in front of the media.”

Mr Pence also spoke briefly, calling Conan a true “hero.” He described welcoming the dog to the White House as a “real joy.”

During the raid, Conan found al-Baghdadi and chased him into a dead-end tunnel, where the ISIS leader then detonated a suicide vest, killing himself and three of his young children.

Conan was injured by live electrical cables in the explosion, but he healed quickly and returned to duty. Trump said that he has gone on several “important raids” since his recovery.

Trump said that Conan and his fellow members of the special forces team had just arrived at the White House from the Middle East, but “for obvious reasons” the humans couldn’t appear in front of the media.

Due to those security reasons, Conan faced the cameras accompanied by a substitute handler instead of his partner, but he didn’t seem to mind.

When a reporter asked if the president wanted to adopt the dog, Trump said that Conan wasn’t ready for retirement yet.

First Lady Melania Trump also said no when asked if she wanted the dog for their son, Barron.

President Trump jokingly added that the special forces officers told him an unarmed terrorist “would have no chance” against Conan.

“So that’s amazing. And yet you see how beautiful and calm they are in situations like this,” he said.

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