
Bolton Accuses White House of Freezing His Twitter Account

Former United States National Security Adviser John Bolton has returned to Twitter, claiming the Trump administration had suppressed his account after he was forced out in September.

Bolton, in a series of posts on Frida, wrote “we have now liberated the Twitter account, previously suppressed unfairly in the aftermath of my resignation as National Security Advisor”.

“Since resigning as National Security Advisor, the @WhiteHouse refused to return access to my personal Twitter account,”

Bolton continued in another post. “Out of fear of I may say?”

Bolton did not specify which matter he was referring to, but Trump is currently facing an impeachment investigation over his repeated efforts to have Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky publicly announce criminal probes into Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

Trump’s former top aide has so far declined to testify in the ongoing impeachment proceedings, and he did not explicitly say that he has changed his mind.

Bolton clashed at some point with several major foreign policy areas of the Trump administration, including on policy towards Iran, Russia, China, North Korea and Syria.

The former national security adviser said on Friday that the White House had not returned the access to his account. “Thank you @twitter for standing by their community standards and returning control of my account,” Bolton said.

The White House did not immediately respond to Bolton’s charges.



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