
Top Aides ‘told ex-UN envoy to undermine Trump’: Nikki Haley

Former United States ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, has claimed that former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson and former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly tried to recruit her to work around President Donald Trump in an effort to “save the country”, according to The Washington Post .

In a new book, Ms Haley says then-Chief of Staff John Kelly and then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson told her to resist some of Mr Trump’s demands.    The two former Cabinet members sought Haley’s help in their endeavors to subvert the President but she refused, Haley wrote.

“Kelly and Tillerson confided in me that when they resisted the President, they weren’t being insubordinate, they were trying to save the country,” Haley wrote.

At one point, Haley wrote that Tillerson also told her people would die if Trump was unchecked. However, Haley said she supported most of Trump’s foreign policy decisions that others in the White House tried to block or slow down, according to the Post.

They reportedly told her they were “trying to save the country”.

In her book, Haley describes multiple clashes within the White House surrounding foreign policy strategy, according to the Post. In one interaction, Haley details an Oval Office showdown over her suggestion to withhold funding for the United Nations agency that supports Palestinians. Kelly and Tillerson were opposed to the move, while Haley had the support of Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner.

There was no immediate comment from Mr Tillerson. Mr Kelly said he had wanted the president to be fully informed.

“I was so shocked I didn’t say anything going home because I just couldn’t get my arms around the fact that here you have two key people in an administration undermining the President,” Haley said in an interview with the Post.
Trump told them to work out their problems elsewhere. “‘I have four secretaries of state: you, H.R. (McMaster), Jared (Kushner), and Rex (Tillerson),” Haley recounted Kelly saying. “‘I only need one.'”
Haley  described her disagreements  with Trump over his handling of his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki in July 2018, as well as Trump’s comments in 2017 where she said he displayed “moral equivalence” in response to a white nationalist march in Charlottesville, Virginia, according to the Post.
In her memoir, Haley also addressed the mounting Ukraine scandal that has led to an impeachment inquiry against Trump in the House of Representatives. Though she said she dismissed Democratic efforts to impeach the President, she said she opposed Trump’s move to ask a foreign government for help in a political investigation, according to the Post.

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