Middle EastNews

Bomb Blast Kills Eight in Turkish-held Syrian Town

A car bomb in northern Syria killed at least eight civilians and wounded 20 others Sunday in a town near the border with Turkey, Turkey’s Defense Ministry said.

The explosion struck a town south of the city of Tal Abyad, the ministry said. The city was captured last month by Turkish troops and Turkey-backed opposition forces from Kurdish-led fighters.

The village of Suluk, where Sunday’s explosion took place, is about 10km (4.5 miles) south of the border. A small truck exploded outside a bakery there, according to an emergency worker .

The ministry blamed Syrian Kurdish fighters for the attack, accusing them of “massacring innocent civilians.”

The attack came more than a week after a similar car bomb attack in central Tal Abyad killed 13 people.

Turkey halted its military advance inside Syria when it  struck deals with the United States  and Russia for the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG), considered a “terrorist group” by Ankara, to be moved at least 30km (20 miles) away from the border with Turkey.

Ankara considers the Kurdish-led forces to be terrorists because of their links to Kurdish militants fighting inside Turkey.

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