Asia PacificNewsTechnology

North Korea Confirms Tested ‘Super-Large’ Multiple Rocket Launcher

North Korea confirmed on Friday it conducted a third test of a new “super-large” multiple rocket launcher that it says expands its ability to destroy enemy targets in surprise attacks, as nuclear talks with the United States  remain in limbo.

The official Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) described the tests a day after South Korea and Japan said they detected two projectiles launched from an area near Pyongyang, the North Korean capital.

North Korea has been moving to enhance its military capabilities.

Military officials in Japan and South Korea said on Thursday afternoon that the North had tested a projectile that travelled more than 322 kilometres (200 miles) across the country before landing in waters between the Korean Peninsula and Japan.

Experts say the North could continue to ramp up weapons demonstrations ahead of an end-of-year deadline set by leader  Kim Jong-un  for the  United States  to offer mutually acceptable terms to salvage a fragile diplomacy strained by disagreements over exchanging sanctions relief and disarmament steps.

The launches followed statements of displeasure by top North Korean officials over the slow pace of nuclear negotiations  with the United States and demands that the administration of President Donald Trump   ease crippling sanctions and pressure on their country.

The  latest test  of the rocket launcher follows two tests in August and September of the same weapon.

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