
Russian Solider Kills 8 Fellow Servicemen

A Russian serviceman has shot dead eight fellow soldiers and seriously injured two more on a military base in the country’s Far East, officials say.

Private Ramil Shamsutdinov – who has been detained – might have been suffering from mental health problems, they say.

The incident happened at a specialist logistics and security unit in Russia’s southeastern region, Zabaykalsky Krai, during the shift change of guards, the ministry said in a statement.

Russian media report that the suspect was targeting his victims in the head.

The shooter was detained, the wounded servicemen were hospitalized, and a special commission was set to investigate the incident, it added.

A murder investigation is under way.

Military service is mandatory in Russia for all male citizens aged 18-27. They typically serve 12 months, and can then sign a professional contract to continue in the armed forces.

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