
Hate Crimes Rise 10% in UK

The number of hate crimes in England and Wales rose 10% in the past year to a record 103,379, the Home Office said Tuesday in an annual report.

Of the total of almost 103,400 hate crimes recorded by police in 2018-19, three-quarters were racially motivated – a category that includes xenophobia.

But the largest increase was seen in transgender hate crimes, which rocketed by 37 per cent to 2,333 incidents.

The second-biggest rise was for crimes motivated by sexual orientation, up a quarter to 14,500, followed by disability, up 14 per cent to 8,256.

Nearly half or 47% of all religious hate crimes were perpetrated against Muslims, totaling more than 3,500 offenses – a similar proportion to last year. In contrast, 18% of religious hate crimes were committed against Jews.

Over half (54%) of the hate crimes recorded by the police were for public order offences and a further third (36%) were for violence against the person offences.

Five per cent were recorded as criminal damage and arson offences.

Graph showing rise in hate crime in UK

The Home Office said the rise in the figures could be partly attributed to better reporting to the police.

Hate crimes can include verbal abuse, intimidation, threats, harassment, assault and hostility towards someone’s race, religion, sexual orientation, disability or transgender identity as well as damage to property.

Hate crimes are offences motivated by

As many commentators have said, these figures show just the tip of the iceberg, and such increases in funding may be a feature of future policy announcements.

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