Middle EastNews

Calm in Baghdad following Bloody Protest

Calm returned to Baghdad’s Sadr City district, a stronghold for influential Iraqi Shia cleric Muqtada Al-Sadr, on Monday following bloody protests, According ot an Iraqi security source.

“The security situation in Sadr City district is calm, the security forces have been deployed in the city to avoid incidents after yesterday protests,” the security source told international news agency on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

Thousands are expected to join the funerals of the deceased in the district, and the “protests would not stop until those who ordered to open fire on the protesters are punished,” according to a local activist.

The mass protests in Iraq broke out across several Iraqi cities with demands of improving living conditions and ending government corruption, but following the high death toll, protesters raised their demands and called for the departure of government after its security forces used live ammunition against peaceful protesters.

The death toll has reached 110 and thousands have been injured in anti-government protests in Iraq since Oct. 1, according to a medical source.

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