
Ecuador Arrests 350 People Amid Fuel Protests

At least 350 people have been arrested in Ecuador amid protests over the government’s decision to scrap decades-old fuel subsidies as part of a reform package.

Authorities said 28 police officers have been hurt, a dozen police cars destroyed, and a local government building attacked.

Angered by the rising cost of fuel, protesters have taken to the streets across the country.

A nationwide strike by transport workers and taxi drivers against the elimination of the subsidies led to protests and violence.

Chairing a cabinet meeting  on Friday, Ecuador’s President Lenín Moreno said he would be open to talks with anyone affected by the cuts, but dismissed those who have resorted to violence.

He has said he will “not negotiate with criminals” after a second day of protests over cuts to fuel subsidies.

Striking a defiant tone, Mr Moreno said the majority of Ecuadorians supported his “brave decision”, telling protesters he would not change his mind.

Mr Moreno added he would not reverse his decision to scrap fuel subsides, which have been in place for four decades.


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