
Trump-Ukraine inquiry: Democrats Demand Documents from White House

The Democrats will pay a "tremendous price" at the polls, says Trumps

US Democratic lawmakers have demanded documents from the White House as part of their impeachment inquiry into President Donald Trump.

The documents relate to a call between Mr Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky on 25 July.

In a move to crank up the pressure on the president, the three House committees leading the investigation have given him until 18 October to hand over the documents.

The subpoena, an order to hand-over evidence, was issued obn Friday by the chairmen of the committees for Oversight, Intelligence and Foregin Affairs.

White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham sought to play down the subpoena, saying it “changes nothing”.

Further, U.S. President Donald Trump said the Democratic-led House of Representatives would vote to impeach him, but he would prevail in the Senate.

“So the Democrats, unfortunately, they have the votes. They can vote very easily, even though most of them, many of them, don’t believe they should do it,” Trump told reporters at the White House.

The Democrats will pay a “tremendous price” at the polls, he added

Trump is currently facing a formal House impeachment inquiry on allegations he used his office for political gains by pressing foreign leaders to investigate a political rival.

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