Middle EastNews

Iran Court Sentences ‘US Spy’ to Death

Iranian courts have sentenced one person to death for spying for the CIA and jailed two others for 10 years for the same crime, as well as imprisoning a fourth person for 10 years for spying for Britain, the judiciary said on Tuesday.

Spokesman Gholamhossein Esmaili said two men, Ali Nafariyeh and Mohammadali Babapour, had received 10-year prison sentences for working for the CIA.

Mohammad Amin Nasab was jailed for 10 years for aiding British intelligence.

Mr Esmaili said he would not identify the person sentenced to death because the verdict was subject to appeal.

It was not clear if any of those convicted were among the 17 people who Iran’s intelligence ministry said had  been arrested for spying for the CIA earlier this year.

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