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New York Mayor Eric Adams joins Ramadan Iftar at Assafa Islamic Center

NEW YORK: New York City Mayor Eric Adams has said that God is the ultimate judge. He said if he was asked to decide right of wrong of the people then it will create anger in my heart.

He was addressing at Iftar dinner held at the Assafa Islamic Center in New York. Earlier, Mayor Eric Adams visited the Assafa Islamic Center on Eldridge Street and met with the leaders of the Muslim community.

Mayor Eric Adams said that we do not want to judge any person based on his color, religion or dress. “We do not have the authority to make any decision about the character of any person by looking at his outward actions, this authority belongs only to God,” he added.

President of Muslim Officers Society of New York Police Department Deputy Inspector Adeel Rana, Muslim Giving Back’s founder Mohammad Bahi and large number of Muslims were also present on the occasion.

Mohammad Bahi quoted a saying of Caliph Hazrat Omar (RA) that “I wish you knew what I have in my heart for you, but there is no way for you to know except by my actions.”  Pesh Imam of Islamic center presented a citation to the mayor which he recited. Later, when the Adhan-i-Maghrib was called, the mayor’s Adams joined the Iftar with participants.

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